
Cyntha Gonzalez is a Human Relations Coach, Seminar Leader and Writer. She guides others to develop satisfying, emotionally intelligent, intimate relationships. She is currently writing a book on her healing path of marrying and divorcing in the Sharia Muslim law. She lectures and teaches internationally. She is American born and has lived in the US, Latin America, Europe and now in the Middle East for the last 17 years. For more information, go to www.cynthagonzalez.com. Cyntha also has been a regular blogger for www.oncloudzen.com, writing on sacred reltationship and sexuality.

1 Response to About

  1. Thanks Cyntha for your inside!. I just read your blog on your adventures to raw food, and enjoyed your story. I have just started eating raw for about 3 weeks, I am a newbie. I love the energy it has provided me. I have purchased a Vita mix which is coming from Canada in the next week, this will make eating raw, fast and simple. I have three teens, all quite healthy eaters, but slowly sneaking in the raw treats, more veggies and fruits… They seem quite keen but still require their meat a couple times a week. So the adventure will continue for me. Thanks again,
    Jacqueline Kent

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